lyric poetry - traducción al árabe
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lyric poetry - traducción al árabe

Lyric poem; Lyrical poetry; Lyric Poetry; Lyric poet; Lyrical Poetry; Lyric poems; Lyrical poem; Lyric theory
  • 470}}&nbsp;BC<ref>[[Staatliche Antikensammlungen]] (Inv. 2416)</ref>
  • ''Lyric Poetry'' (1896) [[Henry Oliver Walker]], in the [[Library of Congress]]'s [[Thomas Jefferson Building]].
  • [[Benjamin Haydon]]'s 1842 portrait of [[William Wordsworth]].

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Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer. A CAI language implemented as a Fortran preprocessor. ["Computer Assisted Instruction: Specification of Attributes for CAI Programs and Programmers", G.M. Silvern et al, Proc ACM 21st Natl Conf (1966)]. (1994-10-12)


Lyric poetry

Modern lyric poetry is a formal type of poetry which expresses personal emotions or feelings, typically spoken in the first person. It is not equivalent to song lyrics, though song lyrics are often in the lyric mode, and it is also not equivalent to Ancient Greek lyric poetry, which was principally limited to song lyrics, or chanted verse, hence the confusion. The term for both modern lyric poetry and modern song lyrics derives from a form of Ancient Greek literature, the Greek lyric, which was defined by its musical accompaniment, usually on a stringed instrument known as a kithara, a seven-stringed lyre (hence "lyric"). The term owes its importance in literary theory to the division developed by Aristotle among three broad categories of poetry: lyrical, dramatic, and epic. Lyric poetry is also one of the earliest forms of literature.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para lyric poetry
1. lyric poetry, the novel, film, and television.
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Ejemplos de uso de lyric poetry
1. Though not necessarily her appreciation of lyric poetry.
2. Ballparks once were a kind of lyric poetry of place.
3. At its best, a memoir combines hard research, an engaging narrative, the intimacy of lyric poetry, and the thoughtfulness of an essay.
4. Throughout her book, Vendler takes issue with those who criticize lyric poetry as an emotional genre unconcerned with ethical or social matters.
5. How will they learn that true sexual experiences — ones that inspire the highest flights of lyric poetry, dedicated loyalties and even sacrifice — are rooted in the magical encounter of two people who share a bond of excitement and tenderness?